Thursday 1 May 2014

Designing a magazine cover using black and white imagery

Magazine cover using black and white imagery
In Photoshop, I designed a magazine cover for the magazine 'Cosmopolitan' using different black and white imagery techniques.
Black and white

The first technique I used was black and white. The image above. shoes the outcome. I like to use this technique as it gives you the opportunity to change the shades of colour to how you want it to look.
Channel Mixer
I then chose to experiment with the channel mixer. With channel mixer I could change the shade of colours to make my own black and white image. I think this technique for the magazine cover is better than the black and white technique as it makes the image more brighter and clearer.
Gradient Map
I also chose to experiment with gradient map. I don't really like the way this image has turned out using this technique because it completely takes away any detailing in the face and is way too bright. I also don't like how the clothing on the right arm has been faded into the background so you can't see it.
Hue and Saturation
The last technique I decided to experiment with was hue and saturation. I like the tone of the black and white but the image looks too dark so I wouldn't use it as a magazine cover.
Overall I think my experiments with the black and white techniques went well. If I was to chose a technique to use for this I would chose channel mixer as the image is bright and the detailing can still be seen.

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