Thursday 22 May 2014

Final 4

Final 4


This is the fourth image that I am going to be edting into a black and white image.

 For this image I am going to use the channel mixer technique. To do this, I went into adjustment layer and clicked on channel mixer.

When the box appears the first thing to do is to tick the box next to monochrome to turn the image black and white.


The next thing i did was move the colour levers to how i wanted the image to look, making sure that the total percentage was at 100.

This is the finished image. I like how this image has turned out as the black and white effect has made the image look old which is effective as the rabbit in the image looks old and worn out.

Final 3

Final 3
This is the third image that I am going to edit into a black and white image for my finals.

To begin with, I went into adjustment layer and clicked on black and white.

When this box appears I can move the levers to change of shades of colour in the image.

I have changed the shades of colour in the shades of the colour in the image. The changes are clear as the image is now a lot brighter.

 This is the image completed. I'm pleased with how this final has gone as I like the outcome of the black and white effect.


Final 2

Final 2
Second final image
This is the image that I am going to be editing into black and white.
I have experimented with different black and white techniques for this image.

Black and White

Channel Mixer

Gradient Map

Hue and Saturation

I decided for this image that I am going to use gradient map.

To use gradient map, I went ino adjustment layer and clicked on gradient map.

When this box appears I clicked inside the colour section.

From clicking inside the colour section, another box will appear. With this box, you can use the levers on the bottom black and white section to change the image.

 As you can see, I have now changed the levers on the bottom black and white section to create my black and white image.

I now have my second final black and white image.

Friday 16 May 2014


Final 1
First final image.
For my finals I have decided to do the technique black and white imagery. I have chosen to do this as I like how images look when they are black and white.

This is my first image that I am going to edit. First of all, the bin the background of the image is quite distracting so I am going to crop it out.
I have now cropped the bin out of the image. The next thing to do is to make the image black and white.
To make the image black and white, I went into adjustment layer and then clicked on black and white.
A box would have appeared and from here I can change the shades of colour in the image by moving the levers.

Here I have moved the levers to create the black and white image how I want it to look.
 This is my first final image completed. 

Thursday 1 May 2014

Designing a magazine cover using black and white imagery

Magazine cover using black and white imagery
In Photoshop, I designed a magazine cover for the magazine 'Cosmopolitan' using different black and white imagery techniques.
Black and white

The first technique I used was black and white. The image above. shoes the outcome. I like to use this technique as it gives you the opportunity to change the shades of colour to how you want it to look.
Channel Mixer
I then chose to experiment with the channel mixer. With channel mixer I could change the shade of colours to make my own black and white image. I think this technique for the magazine cover is better than the black and white technique as it makes the image more brighter and clearer.
Gradient Map
I also chose to experiment with gradient map. I don't really like the way this image has turned out using this technique because it completely takes away any detailing in the face and is way too bright. I also don't like how the clothing on the right arm has been faded into the background so you can't see it.
Hue and Saturation
The last technique I decided to experiment with was hue and saturation. I like the tone of the black and white but the image looks too dark so I wouldn't use it as a magazine cover.
Overall I think my experiments with the black and white techniques went well. If I was to chose a technique to use for this I would chose channel mixer as the image is bright and the detailing can still be seen.